Thursday, July 10, 2014

McDougal's Is The Best

Today was the best day so far. I got to go to the OR today. It was basically the highlight of my day. I got to see a heart. It had a faint beat to it because it was hooked onto a bypass machine that imitated the function of a heart. It was still really cool. I also got to see the end of an amputation and after the person woke up, you wouldn't be able to tell that he just went through a surgery, he was so energetic. I also got to hang out in the surgeons lounge, and talked to some other anesthesiologist about what their jobs were like on a daily basis. Seeing surgeons in their natural habitat was really cool. They were a lot more casual than I expected because they are in such a serious profession. My anesthesiologist, Dr. Canlas, explained to me that when you are in such a serious position, you have to find ways to laugh everywhere. It made a lot of sense to me.  

Our autographed dollar
Dinner was also really fun. Shanti, Stephanie, Abigail, and Jasmine had such a lively conversation throughout dinner. We didn't really talk about anything in particular but we did share a lot of laughs. After dinner, we all went to the lounge and attempted another game of pool. The people before us took a long time to finish their game so by the time we got to use the pool table, it was time for S.O.F.T night. I hung out with Shanti, Stephanie, and Abigail. We all went to this amazing chicken place. They basically have the best chicken in the whole world and they also had free ice cream!! Everything about our dinner was so comfy. We laughed and chatted and admired the restaurant. The restaurant had a wall of dollar bills signed by people that had visited the restaurant before so we all decided to sign a dollar bill and add it to the wall. Shanti put a lot of tape on our dollar bill so I'm pretty sure that dollar bill could survive a tornado. It was cool and if we all ever see each other again, we're going to go back to the restaurant and sit in the exact same table and reminisce. After eating the amazing chicken, we went to this really cool drink place that offered coffee and some unorthodox flavored popsicles. I had the Mexican Caramel Popsicle and it was delicious. After that, we headed back to our dorm rooms. Jasmine decided not to go again tonight because she needed to do laundry. She promised that she would join us next week, and we joked around and told her that if she broke the promise, we would move her bed to the lawn. 

Abigail is pretty awesome
Free ice cream is always good
Our proctor meeting was really fun tonight. It's usually quiet but I think over time we've all become more comfortable with each other. Kaitlyn showed us how she could touch her right ear with her right hand by putting her arm all the way around her head. It was cool to watch. At first I thought she was double jointed but it turned out it was a just a cool thing she could do because she's had so many years of dance. We talked about our highs and lows and what we were looking forward to. My high was definitely the OR, I'm not sure what my low is but I'm really looking forward to the dance tomorrow. 

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