Sunday, July 20, 2014

Shopping and Playing Trivia

I had a great time shopping and playing trivia. We had lunch at 11:45 today in Rand. I decided to eat something (burrito) else rather than a quesadilla. Around 1:00 PM we boarded the buses to head to Opry Mills mall. We only had about two hours to shop, so I wasn't able to go to most of the stores. My friends and I spent the majority of our time in Forever 21- where I spent a lot of money. Later on, we had to split into groups of three, and I spent the rest of the time with Shanti and Abigail. We went to a store called Earthbound, which I had never heard of before. We  returned to Hank around 4:30 PM; I was extremely tired by this time.

We had a little bit of a free time, and then we had dinner at Rand. My procotor group was supposed to arrive first; however, we ended up being the last ones to arrive because we took the longer route. Therefore, we had to wait in a long line. Today was our last day to eat at Rand, so I am going to miss the chicken quesadilla.

After dinner, VSA played a game of trivia. We were divided into our proctor groups. The questions we had to answer were in the categories of literature, music, Disney, history, geography, and proctors. I did not know most of the questions, but my US History knowledge did come in use. Unfortunately, neither our group nor house won; we were not able to earn house points for V house. I still had fun though, except for the part when my head started hurting.

Once trivia was over, we had our proctor group meeting, and I realized that we only have four days of VSA remaining! I am excited for the upcoming events this week!

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